Tri Tip

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Broke out my Santa Maria which I haven't cooked on in ages, no excuse other than I was too lazy to move it.

Seasoned a Tri tip with Lawry's. black pepper and granulated garlic. Wrapped some red potatoes in aluminum foil and also place some corn in their husks next to the fire.

About 45 minutes the tri tip was at 135, a little higher than I like but still OK.

Tri tip rested and sliced.

While the TT was resting I toasted a bread bowl I bought on the SM grill.

Plated, filled the bread bowl with some left over Broccoli Cheddar soup from the other day.
I actually had never heard of a tri-tip until the first time I went to California.

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