sundays brisket

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MI Smoke

Senior Cook
Oct 19, 2008
I had a 9 lb brisket flat waiting to go. Weather was halfway decent for once. Rubbed and onto the wsm with hickory. Could have used a little more time on. Smoker but everybody was hungry.
Thanks, I got me one of those smart phones :cool:
It makes it pretty easy to post pics, so you should start seeing more of me :(.
Great news on that. I can post pics on FB all day long but posting them over here is apparently above my pay
Excellent I have a 5 pounder ready to go as soon as my Wife gets back from business trip.
love the smoke ring!!!
Great news on that. I can post pics on FB all day long but posting them over here is apparently above my pay

I know what u mean, they should be called dumb phones, because they make u feel dumb at times. At first it wasn't easy, luckily I got friends who know what's going on.

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