Starting UDS build

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Kosher Babyback
Jul 10, 2013
S. Florida
Hey guys, I am starting a USD build. Have a couple of questions. Should I
pre-drill before I sandblast and high-temp powder coat the drum? Also, do I need to powder coat the inside of the drum or will seasoning be enough? :confused:
I am sure that you don't need to powder coat the inside.

If you powder coat the outside then it won't be ugly. :)

We need some pics of your progress.
:rolleyes:I am putting together all the components first. Once I have everything I will start the build process and photograph as I progress.:rolleyes:
Best of fortunes. These crazy things have got way out of hand. When they started life all it took to make one was was a drill..nuts and bolts and two storebought Weber racks from Home Depot. The barrel lid was the lid. Also helped to have a cool handle or two. Made some mighty fine groceries. The small ones called LDS's..which were actually grease barrels which followed the same format 30 gallon maybe? could cook two briskets with five pounds of Kingsford and two wood chunks toally unattended. They just dont make good stuff
Drill before burning out the drum. Powder coating the inside is unnecessary. Powder coating period is unnecessary, just paint it. These things started out as a great cheap smoker just about anyone could build. Now they are getting fancy and more expensive. It you want to spend the money just get a WSM instead.
Yea, I know I can buy a WSM, but I miss out on all the fun, headaches and bloody knuckles of building my own.
Although painting would def be cheaper, I would end up painting myself instead. It is still a consideration. What about sandblasting the drum?
I'm sure you could get it sand blasted. I built mine on the cheap, I burned my drum out with a weed burner and cleaned it up with a sander.

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