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bigwheel said:
Yeppers speaking raw weight. I aint never had a bit of luck with them bag sucked hot water reheats. Pan and juice it up and reheat in the pit or oven.

You can't BOIL the bag it needs to's worked pretty good for me.
Looking good. That's a lot of pulling and bagging!

I don't mind Costco's boned butts except you have to tie 'em and there's no bone to tell you when they're done.

I'm betting your Fairbanks family will love it.

wittdog said:
bigwheel said:
Yeppers speaking raw weight. I aint never had a bit of luck with them bag sucked hot water reheats. Pan and juice it up and reheat in the pit or oven.

You can't BOIL the bag it needs to's worked pretty good for me.
What Wittdog said! Never boil, just simmer. Your reheating, not cooking. Works for me too.

Griff, when I vac-pack, I put lots of fat and
grease in with em....when it's running clear
during re-heating, I know it's ready, and most
stays in the bag cause it's liquified again.

That said, I know most folks don't want
a lot of fat in their meat, but the vinegar
sauce and slaw cut right through it.

Yeah it's fattening...just eat some raw salmon for a week
and you'll be caught up.
Well I give it a fair test back when I was in the chili..gumbo and dirty rice bizness. It flunked. If you got the water hot enough to heat it up before the cows come home it break the bag. If you do the low slow simmer thang it takes forever to heat it up then a person feels of the bag and it feels hot but the goodies is still cold on the inside which dont dawn on a person till they dump it and its too late to continueth with the strategy. Way too many weak links in the chain for guv'ment work..sides all reheats should break 160 according to health goon regulations. Now how does one check the temp of the meat w/o poking a hole in the bag? Thanks. That might be a good clue for folks who don't fall for such nonsense.


Hillbilly said:
Yup, just brin the water ta a boil an then turn the heat down, bring yer meat ta 140° an ya got it.
If the bags are small enough you can knead the contents a few times to distribute the heat, but if they're too big, you're likely to overcook and dry the outside 2/3 to get the inside 1/3 sufficiently hot. DAMHIK.

I put up pulled pork or pulled beef in 1-lb bags for the two of us, then knead at least twice while heating. That works for me in either water or microwave.

(All measurements are approximate.)
I reheated 150 lbs last year in approximatley 5 lb bags in the hot water method. To be perfectly honest, if you can't boil water, why are you cooking? ;) I was throwing the bags in a corn boiler to do the reheat and it worked fine.
Nick Prochilo said:
I reheated 150 lbs last year in approximatley 5 lb bags in the hot water method. To be perfectly honest, if you can't boil water, why are you cooking? ;) I was throwing the bags in a corn boiler to do the reheat and it worked fine.

Remember is Furt Wort Water :LOL:
Half the people sayin keep it in the bag and reheat in boiled water the other half say let it simmer in water/brine............Does the boiled bag effect make it taste a little plastic? Does one method work better than the other or is it preference?
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