Spicy Chicken Sandwiches

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
For a coating I mixed some Mad Hunky Chicken Wang seasoning with some flour. I used Franks Red Hot sauce instead of egg and dredged some Boneless skinless chicken thighs in the flour mixture, hot sauce and flour mixture again.

Placed the thighs indirect to cook. Saw some crab cakes on sale at the meat counter so I did another impulse buy.

Mad a chciken sandwich with mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato and pickle with a side of waffle fries. Crab cake was actually pretty good.

Since the deep fryer was hot I did up some Duros too far a snack later.

I like me a spicy chicken sandwich as much as anyone and that looks great! What are Duros?
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