Memeorial Day Burgers, Hand Cut Fries and Eggplant Sticks

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Sous Chef
Nov 28, 2003
Memorial Day Burgers, Hand Cut Fries and Eggplant Sticks

Obviously Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for all those brave souls lost in battles for the freedoms we so very much take for granted every day. I don't get it when some say "Happy" Memorial Day. It's really a day not to be happy about but more of a solemn day to me. One of those freedoms men and women made the ultimate sacrifice for is to enjoy Memorial Day as the UN-official start of summer. The first day for many to light a grill and cook burgers and hot dogs. My meager contribution to that follows.

Smashed griddled burgers done on my grill steel on the Keg, hand cut fries and homemade eggplant sticks.


Hot fries just out of the oil.


Eggplant sticks


I was a bit hungry so I made two burgers for myself.


One dressed and one a simple cheese burger.


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Very nice looking meal to kick off summer grilling season!!

Saying Happy Memorial Day I think is just a habit people say. You put Happy in front of just about every holiday and special occasion. Without those brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice we wouldn't have the freedoms most of us take for granted everyday.

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