Customize a LP Grill Survey

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Assistant Cook
Feb 18, 2013
Hello fellow grill enthusiasts,

Previously, I created a choice-based survey about all sorts of grills for my graduate thesis project. Thanks for those who took this survey.

Now, I have created a final choice-based survey, for academic purposes, about customizing a LP grill. This survey, located at NC State SDO Lab Discrete-Choice Conjoint Survey, is the most important for my thesis project. First, it will ask you to select one grill from a set of grills. Next, the survey will ask 7 optional, demographic questions. Finally, it will present 12 choice-based questions with 3 customization options each and ask you to select one. In all, the survey should take between 12 and 15 minutes to complete.

If you would please take this survey and encourage others you know to take it, I would greatly appreciate it! I plan to stop collecting responses on Tuesday, May 7.

Thanks again for your help!

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