JB POBoY - Meat

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Master Chef
Jun 6, 2007
A mer morsel for a Jb poboy.... I threw it back

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Where's yer Hammer?!

Did you release him alive?

You can grill shark ya know.

I would have been careful and pushed it back into the Gulf.

Some fun on the Reel tho!!!!!!!!
Mike Hedrick said:
Where's yer Hammer?!

Did you release him alive?

You can grill shark ya know.

I would have been careful and pushed it back into the Gulf.

Some fun on the Reel tho!!!!!!!!

A mer morsel for a Jb poboy.... I threw it back

I could have kept it, but it was a baby. They have cool lookin eyes..
Thenm eyes look "through" you man. I've looked into them eyes above water...and below in Hawaii as a teen. Them fish are top notch in my book.

Like a fat bbq man...look and EAT!
They are that fast.
Fillet, put on ice and then whatever ya want to do with it. Ya could of grilled, fried or made any kind of fishy thingy with it. I would have eaten that thang.

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