Just bought a new toy!

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Sep 2, 2013
Buffalo, NY
Sorry I haven't been around much lately - a little thing called life has gotten in the way. :(

Anyhow, I just recently purchased a Brinkmann 810-5502-W Square 2-Door Vertical Charcoal Smoker. It's all I can truly afford at the moment. After Googling this model I noticed several mods people have done, one of which was to replace the charcoal pan with a grill wok. When I purchased the smoker, I also purchased a grill wok. I was considering purchasing a tube of Permatex Ultra Copper gasket maker to make a tighter fitting seal around the doors - thoughts on this? I have also purchased a Maverick ET-73 thermometer, as I am aware that temp reasings on the door thermometer can be off by a bit.

My toy arrives tomorrow!!! Can't wait to get it built and seasoned so I can get my BBQ on!
The Permatex Ultra copper will work very well, but won't be completely permanent. You'll probably need to re-do in a year or so, depending on your actual usage, maximum heat and how much it is exposed to weather, direct sunlight, etc. but it will be worth it.

Really clean the contact surface where you want the sealer to stick with a non-oily cleaner (alcohol, acetone, etc. but NOT mineral spirits, paint thinner, etc.) let it dry and apply the sealer. Cover the sealer with some waxed paper (smoothly applied, covering the door opening, too) and then install or close the door(s). Let it dry overnight. Remove or open the door(s) and gently peal off the waxed paper. If some of the paper sticks, don't sweat it, it'll dry out and/or burn off with use. That's why you use waxed paper instead of plastic wrap. The bits of plastic wrap that stick will burn, stink, smoke, etc. (don't ask!)

Good luck and don't forget the pictures...

My first try was with the High Heat BLACK sealer 'cuz it looks better on a smoker, but it only lasts a few cooks...good choice on the Ultra Copper.;)
Not familiar with the cooker but I think cracks around the doors are not an issue. I would skip the goop application if it was me. There will still be plenty of smoke even if a little gets away. Just went and looked it up. Have had some similar to that but not with the bottom door. Should work well..stick with charcoal and chunks and make sure it gets plenty of air to the bottom side of the fire. Erratic heat production might be an issue..depending on what it uses for a fire pan. Maybe even drill a few holes in the pan if needed.
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Not familiar with the cooker but I think cracks around the doors are not an issue. I would skip the goop application if it was me. There will still be plenty of smoke even if a little gets away. Just went and looked it up. Have had some similar to that but not with the bottom door. Should work well..stick with charcoal and chunks and make sure it gets plenty of air to the bottom side of the fire. Erratic heat production might be an issue..depending on what it uses for a fire pan. Maybe even drill a few holes in the pan if needed.

That's why I purchased the grill wok for use as the fire pan. After Googling this particular smoker, I had noticed some people had done this as a mod with good results. I'll use the supplied pan to catch the ashes falling from the grill wok!
WOOHOO!!! My smoker and grill were delivered by UPS this afternoon!!! May be able to get her together tonight. SUPER STOKED (no pun intended)!
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