Future fuel source

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Sous Chef
Aug 18, 2013
Didn't know where to post this but thought I would show some pics of my wood pile.
Doing some construction on my other lot and have all this to split and season yet.
White oak......red oak and pig hickory.
Got a lot to split yet did about 4 hours today and my fat bloated carcass is tired for one day!






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Phase -2..........spent 4 hours just prepping for splitter tomorrow




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I know right!!!
My buddy said we need to spend time today to get ready and I said.......naw!!!
My God was he right, we had 5 hours just stacking and sorting to get ready.
I think we have 6 -8 hours left!!!
Bosko, you are the man! I recruited a couple of young and broke cousins of mine to help me clean up some mulberry and apple trees at one of my favorite wood scrounging spots on sunday. If either of them starts to bitch, I will just show em these pics.
LOL......good stuff, getting ready to start at 8:00, need to feedz myself some fuel first!
At A Boy! Now can you come to my place and do mine? LoL Looks good all set for a while.

Now I know why wood is so expensive, it is a timely project no way to do it fast!
At least with the little 25 ton splitter I used!
yeah Not to mention knocking the bark off you hands, Arms shins and being sore for 3 days after! Its been so hot here all summer I keep putting it off. I have it cut I just need to gather it Split it and stack it. They say low 90's next week so I might run out of Excuse's. You have a great weekend!
So true, I have blood running down both shins, it is a hazard for sure.

I'm in the processes of finding the bottom of a vodka /7 and I'm sure there is at least 2 more to back up the first......;)

Have a good one man!!
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