WSM 18" Running Too Hot, How Fix?

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Sous Chef
May 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Hello cue fans.

My WSM is running hot. Here are the facts:

- About 6th time running this thing
- I am using briquettes, not lump
- put 2 boxes of clay bbq briquettes into water pan, then foil over top. It could use another box. The water method is dangerous and messy.
- closed 2 of the 3 bottom vents and she's still running at aboaut 340°F
- top vent open
- using minion method, with centre column dug out, not actually on top
- at the end of a session, I had 2 vents closed 1 at half. Anything more I'm thinking this thing will go out, as that's how I shut this thing off before.

Any ideas how I can fix this? I have heard this is normal at the beginning of using one of these, and mine is pretty clean still.


I wouldn't worry about putting it out. I think my WSM has air leaks because it runs at 250* two bottom vents just barely open -- I'd say 7/8 closed. Close thos suckers on the bottom down some more and see what happens. One of my bottom vents has been stuck fully closed for the last year or so.
Hi Griff. OK, next time I'll try pretty much closing the bottom. This run turned out ok (she's in the foil now) so I'd rather have the ability to close it down a bit, then have to get the heat up.

They also have a tendacy to run a little hot when they are still shiny and new. After they build up a little grease on the inside, they calm down some!
OK sounds like a good plan. For the first two runs she did 250 max for both runs, all vents open. I was hoping it would be that easy.

Thanks for the notes, folks!
I light a chimney, about 2/3 full. Then I dump on top, but with the rest of the coals having a depression in the middle.
Yeah I'm using my propane torch, and give it 20 minutes and she's pretty quick. I might try a paper method soon. I have a stainless table with an aluminum tray on top, both filled with half an inch of water, so it's resistant to heat. I can light anything on this.
Well, I couldn't wait. Got 2 racks of spareribs on the WSM, and this is what I did:

- 15 briquettes inside my chimney (makes the chimney look huge when you do this)
- Minion method on top
- came up to 150 in 45 minutes 2 shut completely, front vent open 1/4, then opened up the front one to get up to 200, then closed it slightly

Thanks for the tips. Now I can get it low for slow. This has probably been the best run yet with temperature. Not too hot at all.

Oh, as an added note, in another discussion, the 3-2-1 method is what I am using. I didn't spray anything, as I just foiled for 2 hours. When I unwrapped them, there was a whole lot of liquid and some steam. So ya, there is plenty of moisture in after 3 hours. In fact, I was over 3 because of my relatively low temperature of 200 / 210.

Pictures soon.

For the life of me I can't figure out why I posted in this forum. Can I request it be moved to the appropriate area?

Ribs turned out really nice.





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