Looking at this smoker.

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Well, it was a guess, apparently inaccurate. My second guess is a ZZ-TOP cover band, sans drummer?
Ohhh, them dudes. Sorry, I'm not too familiar with that show, except that every gas station in town sells duck dynasty shirts, hats, stickers, etc. Haven't had much time for tv watching lately (except football!). Most of my free time now goes into getting this food truck going. It's a lot of work, and I havent even started yet! Thanks for the advice Bob, looks like so far 2 for stumps 0 for lang.
The lang is $150 dollars cheaper though, and they quoted me $600 to ship. Haven't gotten a shipping quote from stump's yet.
A friend's brother in law owns Hickory BBQ and grill in MI. Apparently he has a lang 84 for sale for $3900. I guess he is planning a hunting trip to NE this winter, and hopefully can tug it down here. Calling him tomorrow.
Did you get any quotes from the Back Woods folks? They are cajones from down in the Swamps. Prob closer to ship. I might stop by and bring it to you for 600 bucks. Or you could get a local drunk welder to tack you up a rectangular upright box and make your own. I would not take a Lang if they were free.
Or you could get a local drunk welder to tack you up a rectangular upright box and make your own.
There's no shortage of drunk welders here, the problem is, nobody uses the vertical box smokers around here, except for famous dave's and the last thing I want is to be associated with their god-awful food.

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