a few noob butt questions.....now with pics

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Gordon you can get the temp up to rush the butts take it too around 300 also relocate your temp probe.
they are still at 160 :x going on close to 21 hours. I've moved the probes and sure enough 160 all over.

edit: smoker temp has been pretty constant. fell a few a time sbut nothing crazy.
I can tell from the pic that you have a couple of good mods done to your chargriller.

I used a chargriller last year.

Temps can vary from one side of the meat to the other by as much as 40 deg. so be careful were you are taking measurements from. As the meat comes up to temp the temps seem to even out over the cooking grate also.
been told to check it a little under the bone. that said them temp is about the same all over. 163 now :x I need some more sleep ;)
cleglue said:

I've had Brisket take a lot of time but my butts usually get to 195 in about 10 to 12 hours.

I know :? had the smoker up to 250-260 the last few hours and it's just to 170

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