Pulled pork eggrolls

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Bad Brad

Assistant Cook
Jan 8, 2013
This is from a post I did on another forum a few years back. I thought I would revive it for you all.

I made these eggrolls with pulled pork butt, country sausage, napa cabbage, fresh grated ginger, fresh garlic, scallions, and a little soy. Mixed it all up and stuffed and rolled in wonton eggroll wraps. Served with some store bought sweet chile sauce. They were fantastic.



Thanks for looking, I really need to make these again!
What's NOT to love here? Great ingredients wrapped in a hand sized package and deep fried. Yum..
Looks and sounds great. It's been a long time since I have made eggrolls. Might need to change that.:p

Now, as far as leftovers, Many times I have smoked a butt or yardbird with the idea of using the meat for tacos or burritos from the get-go. No thought of leftovers at all.;)

Hell I just made some egg rolls yesterday. Was not this recipe but this one looks good too. I like to use bean sprouts, instead of cabbage though.

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