Belly Maynard's Dr. Pooper Brisket Marinate

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Master Chef
Jan 25, 2005
Foat Wuth
Robert King

Belly's Brisket

Recipe By:
Serving Size: 1


***See Directions***


I buy 8 to 12 pound cryovac Briskets the morning before I am cooking
I cut a small hole in the sack and pour into it about a cup to cup
half of Willingham Marinade and a 1/4 cup of Balsamic Vinegar and
about two cups of Dr Pepper.

Cover the hole with Duct Tape, Refrigerate for 24 hours turning and
rubbing it about each four hours, next morning open sack and remove
Brisket and pat dry, let set in air for about a half hour and then
rub it good with Willingham Dry Rub and let set till fire in ol
barrel is ready, until I can hold my hand over the grill for a minute
to minute half put brisket on fat side up and after about four hours.
Turn it over and add some more coals if needs. Check about each hour
and try to keep heat about the same after four hours turn fat side
back up and if you wish you may then make a mop sauce of beer, DR
Pepper and red pepper and mop each 30 or 45 minutes for next two or
three hours, remove brisket and let cool and firm up so it will slice
nice, I like it dry, but some folks want it wet, so we use a Texas
Tomato base sauce or Willingham BBQ Sauce or any one of 1/2 hundred
more sauces out there, oh yes a time or two I have used some of that
there Yankee sauces too, Father forgive me.

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Contributor: Billy Maynard

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