Kosher or Table Salt

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Senior Cook
Feb 17, 2008
Northern Virginia
I have always wondered what the difference is between Kosher salt and table salt. Well I went out to the Morton Salt web site and this is what I found.


Plain table salt



According to the Morton salt labels on the side, a 1/4 teaspoon of Kosher salt weighs 1.2 grams. This works out to .51 ounces per tablespoon.

A 1/4 teaspoon of plain salt weighs 1.5 grams. This works out to .63 ounces per table spoon.

There is 20% more salt per measure in table salt than there is in the same measure of Kosher salt.

So if I have to substitute table salt for Kosher salt in a recipe, I will use only 4/5 of the measure with plain salt.

Or according to the Morton salt web site, 1 teaspoon of table salt is equivalent to 1 1/4 teaspoon of Kosher salt.

(4/4 teaspoon of table salt = 5/4 teaspoon of Kosher salt)
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Sounds good. Thanks. Knew the kosher salt was a bit larger granules. That is what makes it slightly less salty when measured by volume..supposedly. They dont let us use doper scales around here. Its considered paraphenalia and get a two hundred buck
I have also heard that Kosher salt has larger granules which chefs believe give them greater control when they sprinkle salt on a dish. That's the salt I use when seasoning, it's nice that you actually looked up the specific information from Morton's. Thank you!
You can buy it either way. We use mostly non iodized sea salt. For making pretty chow chow and such things. I like canning/pickling salt which is non-iodized. Iodine supposed to be able to make it cloudy.
Healthier. Bunch of trace minerals. More chloride and less sodium. It also harvested by cute nubile virgins. Pink sea salt is especially good. It has stuff in it to make a person's brain fuse who was not breast fed. Thats is why we have so many nutty kids running round. Pink sea salt can cure them.
How long can it go without having to call the Rabbi out to re-bless it?

Depends on how much Mary Jane u have, I lived next store to one for 5 years.
This guy was the Earthy type, He put out as many kids in that 5 years......LOL
Great to know about that. Back in a former incarnation used to to catch quite a few pilled up truck drivers exceeding the speed limit..supposedly trying to get Kosher swinging beef from points West to the nice Jewish Folks in Noo Yawk City. Think they had 24 hours to deliver the load or they had to call the Rabbi out to do the blessing over again. The rabbi apparently dont work cheap as concerns roadside house calls. I always thought they was fibbing about that..but its making more sense now that you splained it and lived next to one. Not sure on the marihoochie angle..but that could have been part of he overall equation. Thanks.
All of our salt shakers are filled with Kosher Salt. To me it has a better taste then regular table salt. Just like it better. Although I do have specialty salts too. I have about 4 different Hawaiian Salts, and I also have a actual salt block that I sear/ bbq meat on, on occasion. Should get some pictures of that sometime. It is very good.
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