Fresh Eggs and Leftover Biscuits

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Sous Chef
Nov 28, 2003
Know what's good about making too many biscuits for dinner? You have some leftover for breakfast the next day!
I went outside this morning to check on the chickens and give them their usual morning snack and picked up some nice fresh eggs. One was so big I'll have to write a separate post about it. I went inside and sliced a biscuit open, put it in the toaster to warm and cooked those two other fresh eggs over easy. The only thing that would have made it better would be a couple of slices of bacon. Oh, I didn't get a picture of the fresh squeezed Blood Orange juice.
Eggs which look like that do not come from caged monstrosities spoon fed odd and dangerous chemicals. Like my old pal Joan Baez was fond of murmuring..DDT..DDT..its in the wheat that the chickens eat..its it my eggs and its in my meat. I think she finally made a song out of it maybe. She would just be singing about different stuff today. Come to find out now DDT is our friend and could save millions of lives mainly in Africa..but she sung about it too good. The Guv'ment say no no. They say old hippies are running the country..or was till Obamie showed up. I am sure lonesome for Sick Willy.
From yesterday.

This morning when I went out to check on the chickens and pick up eggs I was shocked when I saw what was in the nest. It was a huge long egg! The others which were pretty big thenselves appeared like bantam eggs next too this thing. I measured it and it was over 3 1/4 inches long. I've gotten big eggs before but nothing compares to this egg.


I'm thinking about cooking it for breakfast tomorrow morning. I hope it's a double yolk egg!
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